About us

 ♥Originally designed soft toys, made with love♥

Hello, lovelies!

We are the founders of DOOZIE DROWSY SOFT TOYS INC. Our company was established in 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. With our newborn baby and a global pandemic, it was a really special time for us to start our own business to bring some tenderness to the world.

The idea of creating our first unique sleepy-eyed soft toys collection is to show a “Zen” attitude and be chill to all the negativities in our life. If you are feeling exhausted, sometimes you just want to be alone, there's nothing wrong with it~! Like our plushies, You can always switch to your sleepy-eyed mode, throw yourself on the bed and have a good nap, or maybe just be lazy and rest well to find your inner peace~!

Our high quality plushies passed the safety test for 0+ and they are made for all ages. With our soft materials and cute designs, the unique sleepy eyed doozies will be the best cuddly friends for you and your baby.

We sincerely hope our plushies will accompany your baby to grow happily. Cuddling with our sleepy-eyed plushies, we wish you and your baby a sweet dream every night!

Hang and Shia